Hezy Ledge

Being part of the vault has changed tremendously my life. I am partially blind and an introvert and have difficulties expressing my thoughts. But the past 3 months I have grown so much to become a tough little soldier that does not feel like a victim anymore but a survivor. Thirsty Thursday has helped my confidence to express myself and not feeling being judge. The members are so kind making me laugh a lot. I am so grateful to be alive in 2024 and witness a major change in my confidence. A miracle instead to see how all exercises given each week are actually transforming my soul and my future isn’t so blurry anymore, but I am convinced that God has brought Theresa into my life. Now I see my purpose in this world. I want to thank all Vault members for encouraging me and thank you Theresa for saving my life. 🙏😇

Author: letfordmedia
